Wednesday, February 10, 2010

FAFSA does not stand for first ask Faith, Sally and Alice

So here's a BIG QUESTION?  "What do I do now?  I think I should go to school or maybe I should work or traveling sounds like a good idea."  So many choices and so many people all around you making these same decisions.  Maybe the decisions seem the same.  Here is what is the same.  God has a plan for each of you.  His Word is always true.  And here is what is unique.  You are unique.  God created you for a specific purpose. 

He created your body and deposited your spirit from His core into you.  Your spirit and soul are divinely connected to and held within you.  ~ Pastor Terri Pearsons

So those things racing through your mind and your emotions right now are your soul and they are divinely connected to your spirit.  

So don't try to decide your steps one, two, three right now or which opportunity is the right one to take.   Today step away from the FAFSA forms, the, the scholarship applications, the job applications and look to one place first.  Look to the Word.  If you can validate the Word as first place in your life, then you will seek all answers in the Word.   Seek first the kingdom and all these things will be added to you.  What things?  Wisdom.  Understanding.  He will lead you into all truth.  He will show you the things to do next. 

So PTWF.  Start with Psalm 119 tonight.

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